First official time to take the Heep off pavement and get it dirty. It did really well and I was happy to discover that the 4x4 actually engaged the tires. We went to an area where there was a strip about a half mile long and 100yards wide. It wasn't hardcore/extreme mudding. I have not put the lift on so I can't get too crazy.

While at the pick-a-part today I snagged a Thule gutter mount roof rack. Now I can raise the basket up off the factory roof rack. The reason for this is the gutter mount system is stronger. How much stronger I don't know, but it was only $20 so I couldn't pass it up.
God Bless Yall!
If by lift you mean lifting the body of the car, I see no point. Lifting the air intake yes, and water proofing the electrics yes. Raising the exhaust yes. But the lowest thing on your vehicle is what will stop you in mud, and that is the diffs.
Learning to drive off road will get you further than most things. I spent 10 years in the Territory driving off road in the rainy season. A lot of time spent pulling other vehicles out!!!
Thanks for adding my blog as a link - I appreciate that!
By the way, the jeep looks great!! Have a great week!
What tires are you using?
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